
“The Radiance Project”

Radiance Project Icon

The Radiance Project is multidisciplinary in scope, involving collaborative dance, printmaking and video. Participants throughout Southampton will come together in a series of movement and art-making workshops culminating in a performance for video, a screening and a large visual tapestry. Based on the circular mandala form, and using our collective bodies, we will create a multi-dimensional radiant community portrait.

The project begins with a 3 -month Studio Residency at Southampton Arts Center from March – May 2018. This is a place to plan, experiment, and host the mandala-making workshops. There are drop-in hours for the public to come learn about the project and contribute to the tapestry.

Visit The Radiance Project website for more details on how to participate:

“Scores for Getting Lost”

Lab Etching Square Sunlite sm2

I’ve collaborated with experimental jazz composer and bassist Nicolas Letman-Burtanovic for over 10 years on visual art, music and performance projects.

This project arose when Nicolas began scoring my etchings of mazes and labyrinths on plexiglass, contrasting the structure of the whole with the journey of a pathway, and responding individually to the texture and emotive qualities of each image. The structure of the maze inspires the rhythmic base for the piece, and can be read in Nicolas’ notes above. The pathway, as noted below, is played as an improvisational melody, moving through the mapped score.

As our dialogue continues back and forth, a vocabulary of image and sound is emerging, and new mazes are in creation.  To listen to more of Nicolas’ music, visit


